Offerings with Fran Pedron & Co

DISCOVERY SERIES: See testimonials here

Discovery Class ONE
Identifying blocks & Recreating mindsets

what DO your blocks look like?

Discover the “5” areas that rob you from reaching goals & living your dreams and desires every day.

Then develop an Action Plan using SMART goals to live those dreams and desires!

Discovery Class TWO
the You in your WHY

do you know the “6” areas of your WHY ????

Awaken every day – INSPIRED! and at the end of the day know that you have contributed to something greater and that you have lived your life to the fullest.

Discover your WHY and how IT ties into your goals -motivations -life successes.

online COFFEE/TEA TIME mastermind

Based upon the Napoleon Hill Mastermind principle – Empower yourself to increase your income and promote yourself to a higher position. Work with the combined expertise of multiple people instead of just your own skills—to take your personal and professional life to the next level.

In groups of six—We come together to grow, support each other and be held accountable. There is no product selling, during this twice monthly Group Think Tank!

Discovery Insights

  • Starting within gives true insight.
  • At times we need guidance, a hand to hold, a safe place to explore.
  • The end-result is Always rewarding, motivating, satisfying.
  • The journey is worth more than any $$$$ you could spend covering YOU
  • You have the rest of your life, to look into the mirror at the prize – YOU!

 Continued Exploration

  • Individual & group coaching
  • Belief and mindset exploration & re-creation
  • Future Discovery Classes

***group & individual rates apply

Weekly Discovery Challenge
Monthly Membership

We uncover solutions and ideas for your question of the week…
“What’s on my mind this week?”

*** 30 minutes per week x4 ~ each 5th week is free.

Book Club Discoveries
Monthly Membership

Let me help you discover the “MORE” in you. Enlarge your scope personally and professionally. Find the missing pieces sabotaging your successes.

*** meet twice monthly ~ initial coaching to hear information deciding “issue” to cover ~ customized book choice based upon initial coaching – clients cover cost of book ~ coaching and belief work to address client issue.